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Mario Forever

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Mario Forever

Mario Forever v6.0's main menu.
Developer: Buziol Games (until 2006)
Softendo (since 2009)
Built with: Multimedia Fusion 1.2 (v1.15 - 1.16.1)
Multimedia Fusion 1.5 (v2.16 - 4.4)
Multimedia Fusion 2.0 Developer (v5.0 - 6.01)
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Developer (v7.01+)
Latest version: 7.02
No. of worlds: 15 (8 main, 7 extras)
No. of levels: 72 (32 main, 40 extras)
Download link: [1]
Are you looking for the fan-made remake, Mario Forever Remake or its Flash version, Mario Forever Flash, or maybe its harder counterpart, Mario Forever: Advance Edition?

Mario Forever (also known as Super Mario 3: Mario Forever) is a PC fan-game based on one of the most popular Nintendo games, Super Mario Bros. The game has been developed by Softendo (Buziol Games until 2009). The game reproduces classic styles of the Super Mario Bros. platformer series, with slightly different graphics and musics from non-Super Mario games. The game has become popular, reaching the highest position in Platformer Games in CNET Download (a website that Softendo themselves used to distribute the game), receiving more than 10 million downloads.

Softendo's description

If you remember the oldest of Mario games, you cannot just pass this title by! Super Mario 3 : Mario Forever is a free remake of the classic Super Mario Bros game, which should make you busy for long hours, even if you haven't played Mario 3 before. Impersonate the friendly plumber once more to guide him through 8 different worlds placed on maps of this platform game, through countless monsters and obstacles, to help him beat the evil dragon Koopa or Bowser and save the imprisoned Princess Peach - all while listening to pleasant, cheerful music. Super Mario 3 : Mario Forever is really a classic Mario remake. Once again you strap on your wrench and hardhat and guide the chubby plumber through many skillfully made levels. The diversity of the levels is very impressive. Game has also renewed graphics and much better scrolling in comparison to the original Mario. You will have to get through levels ranging from underwater caverns to levels filled with hot lava. Of course, there are also many novelties in the gameplay - an option to save your game, brand new enemies and bonuses are only a few of them! However, fans of the original old Mario don't have to fear - it is still the same game, only upgraded. Collecting coins, jumping into the pipes, hidden levels - there are still here! Don't hesitate to download Mario Forever now - but remember, this video game.

Super Mario 3: Mario Forever also has a mini free Mario games like Mario Minix, Super Mario Starman Running, Mario Goomba Party, Mario Funny tanks and more. For example Mario Minix pack is addressed mainly to players, who got bored playing the classic Mario platform games - but also for beginners, who are new to the Mario world and haven't known the adventures of the famous plumber yet. This package consists of one game mode,. The objectives for this mode of is simple - your mission is to collect as many points as you can by taking advantage of means known from Super Mario Bros: not only catching the golden coins, thrown out from the pipes, but also stomping on the enemies. But be careful - if you fail to hit the enemy, it may hit you! And, remember, that spikeys cannot be stomped on - they will harm you, if you try! The only way to get rid of them and get your points is to use the Koopa Troopa shells (by using this method, you can create combos and make additional points!). There are no levels to complete and no princesses to save - this time it is all about gaining as many points.

Mario Forever versions

Mario Forever has gone by numerous updates throughout the years since its first version in 2003. The latest version is 7.03.

The following is a table which contains all known versions of Mario Forever developed and released.

Version Release date Description Changelog
September 8, 2003
This is the very first known version of Mario Forever made by Buziol Games, although it hasn't been subject of acknowledgement. This version has been lost, though it's not known if forever.
January 2, 2004
A slight update of 1.15. This version has been lost too. It is believed to be the first public version of the game. Unknown
January 30, 2004
This is the oldest version still around the internet so far.
  • Hardware improvements.
  • Difficulty altered.
  • New secret bonus area added.
  • Some displays have been fixed (not 100% sure).
  • Changed enemy frequencies.
  • More items were added in levels.
  • The intro can now be skipped.
  • Decoration changes in some levels.
  • World 7-2's softlock was fixed
  • Some levels' length have been increased.
  • Fire Piranha Plants' frequency of shooting fireballs have been fixed.
June 25, 2004
Probably the most known older version. This version of Mario Forever contains its very first extra world, WWW.GRY.o2.PL, which will be known in the future as "Human Laboratory World".
  • World 8-4 has been shortened, with the final Bowser battle added.
  • World WWW.GRY.o2.PL added.
  • Game's directory has been changed to its own, instead of C:\Windows.
  • World 4-1 passage has been added in World 1-2.
  • Up arrow and jump keys bug has been fixed.
  • World 4-2 time limit increased.
  • End level gate's music has been slightly altered.
December 31, 2005
After one year without releases, Buziol Games updated the game to v3.0, without many differences.
January 16, 2006
New update containing some new extras, like Hardcore Worlds, as well as some changes, being the most notorious the removal of Polish language.
  • Now the game can be played both window and full screen modes.
  • Polish language has been removed.
  • Darkness in World 3-4 has been decreased, reducing difficulty as well.
  • World WWW.GRY.o2.PL has been renamed to Human Laboratory World.
  • World 1-1 layout has been changed, making it longer and adding a new area in the Bonus Room.
  • Hardcore Worlds 1 and 2 have been added.
  • Mario Minix minigame has been added.
  • Goomba Party extra level has been added.
February 3, 2006
Very little updated from its previous version.
August 16, 2006
One of the most known versions so far. It contains more extra worlds and levels, as well as secret passages. It also introduces the most known Mario Worker level editor.
November 16, 2006
A slight update of the previous version. This is also the last version developed by Buziol Games. A harder version of Mario Forever has been made, and this is the version which it is based off of.
  • Continues removed.
May 5, 2009
After a very long release drought, a new company, Softendo, released a new version of Mario Forever.
  • Developer changed.
  • Mario Worker has been removed.
  • Funny Tanks? was removed due to technical issues.
July 8, 2009
New version containing some new extras.
  • The game has been renamed to "Super Mario 3: Mario Forever".
  • Koopa Troopa Liberation has been added.
  • Starman Running has been added.
  • Funny Tanks have been returned.
  • Checkpoints added in all basic levels.
November 24, 2010
This version of Mario Forever got drastic changes in musics, transitions and plenty of bugs. This is due to its move from MMF1.5 to MMF2 Dev.
  • Game engine changed from MMF1.5 to MMF2 Dev.
  • Framerate changed from 50 to 60.
  • Added a bonus room in World 2-1
  • World 2-2 final part has been enhanced.
  • Green Koopa Troopas and Red Spinies' speed slightly decreased.
  • Tutorial-like signs added in Worlds 1-1 and 1-4.
January 14, 2011
Slight update.
  • Bug fixing.
June 22, 2011
Slight update.
  • Updated setup.
July 8, 2011
Slight update.
  • Updated setup.
July 21, 2011
New version. Around this version, Softendo started bundling the game with a Conduit installer, which would offer to install additional software.
  • Fade out animation transition has been omitted.
August 28, 2011
New version. New additions.


September 12, 2011
Slight update.
  • Updated setup.
November 28, 2011
This version doesn't contain anything new, apart from unfortunately a lot of bugs appearing in various levels. The dx in version name refers to the fact that the game is now built with DirectX 9 display mode from now on, instead of the Standard mode used in all previous versions. N/A
December 12, 2011
New version. Nothing, other than more bugs. N/A
April 2, 2012
Slight update.
  • Updated setup.
6.0 Beta
February 22, 2013
One of the latest versions. It's the first one to contain a fan-made world made by someone else. This version contains also the most bug fixing from all other versions. It's also infamous for having introduced the badly looked upon World of Stupidity. Some players have reported glitches existing on World 8-3.
6.01 Beta
March 11, 2013
New version. More bugs here have been fixed. N/A
May 9, 2013
More bug fixing, as well as new content included. N/A
7.01 Beta
October 21, 2017
After four years and a half of silence, Softendo came back with a lot of new stuff, including version 7 of Mario Forever. The engine was moved from MMF2 Dev to CTF 2.5, but it didn't introduce any new bugs, and the game is no longer bundled with other software.
  • [EDIT] Main menu music has changed;
  • [EDIT] World 9-2 music now is the same as 9-3;
  • [ADD] 2 screen filters (HD Window & And Old TV NES Style)
  • [FIX] Various World 9 bugs and glitches;
7.02 Beta
October 25, 2017
A slight update of the 7.01 version.
  • Game engine changed from MMF2 Dev. to CTF 2.5.
  • [ADD] Great Journey world by LuigiMann and Hagalta;
  • [ADD] Option for disabling special visual effects before entering the main game;
  • [FIX] World 9's map progress now is correct (9-3 and 9-4 map frames are swapped, though);
  • [FIX] Plenty of reported bugs now are fixed.


Interestingly enough, Version 4.1 was updated on October 28th, 2008 but was not given a new version number. The modified date on Mario Worker in the copy we have and the date being changed on CNET Download at the time corroborates this. The most likely reason for this is that Buziol Games noticed the popularity of the game and wanted to add to it to compensate.
The only changes seem to be the updated Mario Worker executable and the installer providing a toolbar, which is also corroborated by reviews on CNET Download from October 29th (the earliest time there is a snapshot from around then) complaining about one while reviews from October 26th, just three days earlier, being overly positive and not mentioning any toolbars.

Worlds and Levels

Mario Forever contains eight basic worlds, as well as numerous extra worlds and levels, accessible from the Save Game Room, or from some levels of the main game.

Name Theme Author First appearance (version)
World 1 Overworld/Underground/Rockland Buziol Games 1.15
World 2 Overworld/Underwater
World 3 Starland/Underground
World 4 Skyland
World 5 Overworld (afternoon)/Fastrun
World 6 Pipe maze
World 7 Beach/Underwater
World 8 Darkland/Tanks/Castle
Human Laboratory World Overworld/Overcast 2.16 (as world WWW.GRY.o2.PL)
Hardcore World 1 Overworld (afternoon) 3.50
Hardcore World 2 Overworld 3.50
The Lost Map Skyland/Underwater 4
World of Stupidity Overworld Softendo 6.0 Beta
World 9 Skyland/Starland/Volcanic/Tank Syzxchulun 6.0 Beta
Great Journey Overworld/Overcast LuigiMann, Hagalta 7.02 Beta
Name Theme Author First appearance (version)
Goomba Party Sunset (?) Buziol Games 3.50
Koopa the devastator level Castle 4
Funny Tanks? Tank 4
Koopa Troopa Liberation Skyland Softendo 4.4
Starman Running Skyland 4.4





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