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Mario Worker: Letter Worlds Series/World V

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World V
Developed by: TheMarioVariable
No. of levels: 4
Theme(s): Lava
First appearance: Mario Worker: Letter Worlds Series
Previous: World U
Next: World W

World V is the twnety-second world found in TheMarioVariable's Mario Worker: Letter Worlds Series. It's made up of four levels. First level is a typical volcano level, second is an escape from lava, third is a lava level with quite fast auto scroll and fourth is a lava castle. This world is difficult.

Level synopsis

Preview Level Theme Level length (in pixels) Time
World V-1 Lava 12400 400
World V-2 Volcano Width: 768
Height: 10600
World V-3 Lava 27000 400

World V-4 Lava Castle 20000 600


Retro Worlds

  • World B-1
  • Hardcore Frustration 2-1
  • Mario Forever NSBM 2-4

Castle cutscene

More infos about this world's cutscene can be found here.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
German Welt V World V
French Monde V World V
Italian Mondo V World V
Polish Świat V World V
Portuguese Mondo V World V
Spanish Mundo V World V

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