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Geography Engine Ultimate

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Geography Engine Ultimate
Developer: Yukana
Programs used: Clickteam Fusion 2.5+
Is public? Yes
Release date: Mar. 3, 2022
Last version: 2022-0518-4
Download link: Click here to download

-- The engine has been back with new features!

Previous Edition: Geography Engine Remade

Note: This engine needs the following extensions: Animation Info (can be installed in the extension manager of CTF), Scope Control and Fini (can be found in a folder named _Key_Extensions in the .zip file, and please copy and paste the folders in "_Key_Extensions" folder into the directory where your CTF is installed)


Geography Engine Ultimate, released on March 3rd, 2022, is an engine of the series Geograpy Engine, developed by User:马里奥X7(Yukana). Based on GER, the engine is developed with new features updated. GEU is aimed to bring not only the feeling of original Mario Forever for the game built with it, but also, for developers, much convenient usability, more easy-to-use and abundant contents, smoother game performance, more logical events and more accurate arrangement and sort of folders.

There are following features in GEU:

  • Main events are all packed in a behavior of an active object named "Main Event", with which the developers can enable its property named Global Object to make it global, so that you can edit these events no matter in which room of the game you are.
  • The player detector and player sprites are now completely separated and well-controlled. The developers do not need to enter detector's behavior, but edit a string called "character_name" to a specific name, and import a character's sprite from other engines and change its behavior and qualifier correctly to what the Mario Statuses (which is one of player's sprite types) are coded in GEU. Thus, developers have completed making a new player sprite.
  • Better optimized reversed-gravity system: Now the player in reversed gravity can, more stably, stand on moving platforms, enter the pipe and kill an enemy with feet stomping onto it.
  • Now the position of the player who stands on the moving obstacle is fixed, which means that the player can stably stand on the moving obstacle rather than glitchful standing. (Note: Due to the complxity of relative events, the physic instances are not able to stand buglessly on these moving obstacles currently)
  • Considering high complexity of GER that makes developers difficult to use, the author has arranged and partially simplized the codes and behaviors. Meanwhile, for developers that are skillful in CTF but have no idea to develop with GEU, a new comment instruction named CODING INSTRUCTION, in the frame event of Level Editor, is worth reference.
  • Events of most objects from GER have been arranged, and some of objects are optimized graphically.

Logues by the Author


Dear developers:

Nice to meet you again!

It has been several months when Geography Engine Ultimate were still in development and it's now in your hands. During the development, I felt excited because it symbolized and symbolizes a new stage that GEU has been step into. Of course, I also have paid my everything into the engine -- from importing objects to the engine to its optimization, from problems-discovering to problems-resolving, and even from discovering again... I, not knowing how long it took, was wearily kept developing it. Everyday, I thought about how to do GEU, and how to make it better. Specifically, in days before its release, I abruptly encountered the problem of player's position fixing with moving obstacles. Because of this, I , again, asked dasasdhba for help to code it, during which he, together with I, talked about it and taught the technology of it; for the coding, he editted the events till he was entirely weary. He did paid so much effort to it . Here I sincerly thank dasasdhba for coding the position fixing. Thank you(dasasdhba) for your hard work!

Last, I hope to see every developer enjoy the logical but fast-and-comfortable feeling during his/her developing


Note: Versions of GEU are spelled in the form of Year-Month_and_Date-Release_in_Month(Y-MD-RM in short), according to which the first unit of numbers series is full-spelled year, the second one is release date in the form of XX(Month)YY(Day), and the last one is the ordered index of the version.

As an example: 2022-0409-3 means that the engine was updated in April 9th, 2022, the third edition released in April.

All version indexes start from 1, representing that the version whose index is 1 is the first version updated in current month.

Versions of Geography Engine Ultimate
Version(with Release Date) Designation(if exists) Contents
  • The first version of GEU, where most objects are added from GER's Level Editor (some items are removed or arranged)
2022-0310-2 BUG Fixes
  • The player was able to smash down the bricks via kicking with foot overlapping a corner of the bricks block
  • The player couldn't jump continuously, pass gap of 32px width or jump higher with speed increased
  • Direction initialization of physic instances got glitches
  • The piranhas out of the screen might still stretch out and move back into the pipe
  • Initial position of Bullets was stuck into issues when two or more launchers shot them
2022-0310-3 Buggy Core
  • The event of hammer bros' attacking has been further reinforced. Original algorithm just scoped the item to be thrown with the flag isInitialized false, while the current one not only scopes the one with that flag true, but also to check if the projectile is overlapping the attacker. The similar algorithm has been used on the objects such as piranhas and lavaball shooters.
  • Now most of flags isDirected of physic instances are now abandoned
  • Player-sprite-controlling events has been optimized, and now developers do not need to change strings in the behaviours of player sprites but change it via the properties panel to control the characters' display
  • To make the engine compatible with most of engines, now the global value player state = 3(beet status originally) is now refers to green lui, while player state = 4(green lui previously) beet now


  • The display of Bowser has been optimized, with his hammer pitched higher
  • The mark of speeding up for circular-moving enemies is now speed up by 5 units of angle velocity rather than 4 units
  • The attacking tolerance of running shells are now lengthened from 10 frames originally to 20 frames


  • Graphics of each status of Mario are now optimized (new graphics by Anas Wael, resized by Green Sweet); meanwhile the Appearing animation of Mario has been tweaked
  • Graphics of the ice flower has been modified

BUG Fixes

  • The player could keep running at the edge of window
  • In hammer suit, the hammer thrown by the player ran too fast horizontally
  • Unstably, physic instances would going through the obstacles
  • When one bullet launcher had shot a bullet, when the camera moves and another launcher appears, these two would all launch bullets
  • Thwomps would be all moved back to their own start when one of them had moved back to its start first
  • The ground piranhas, which were attacked by iceballs, wouldn't play the sound
  • HUD text "Time" would probably disappear
2022-0315-4 Innovated I Core
  • Hardness of shells has been added. Value 610 is now used to set hardness of a shell. Shells with lower hardness will be killed by those with higher one, while two with the same level of hardness will be both killed
  • Events of player's standing on moving blocks has been arranged
  • Physic instances now can stand on moving blocks


  • Foreach #on_subground has been abandoned


  • Names of some folders has been changed: Block - Moving -> Platforms; Block - Obstacle -> Obstacle; Block - Interaction -> Interactee
2022-0320-5 Technological
  • Stop moving range of red piranhas has been modified
  • Due to some undescibable reasons, the function of instances standing on moving blocks has been banned for a period. If necessary, please be careful to use the function or avoid it to prevent from any hindrance caused by it

BUG Fixes

  • Mark of platform moving reversedly could make the platform moving towards minus X
  • Direction of the goal gate was reversed from what it had been expected to be
  • Jumping koopas weren't able to turn back animationally
  • The player could not walk out of the screen after his completion of the level
  • Floating coins could not be collected via the player hitting the bricks beneth the coin itself
2022-0322-6 Recovered I Core
  • The function of instances standing on moving ground has been back to the engine as an optional function, which can be enabled in the valuelist in the properties of Main Event object (Caution: It will still be unstable when you click on items of it or drag the window)


  • Boo has been added
  • The jumping height of the player has been optimized

BUG Fixes

  • Some strings of movement_parameter of the player didn't work
  • The bug thay should have been fixed in previous version -- Mark of platform moving reversedly could make the platform moving towards minus X -- didn't get repaired, which is now fixed
2022-0327-7 BUG Fixes
  • The hidden bonus blocks could be hit out when the player smashed them with his trunk


  • Group. Masks: New algorithm has been added to the group to automatically restore the frames of the instances of the qualifier. When you changes the animation of these objects, you don't need to option the value to reset their animation. (However, you are still supposed to set value 408 in some cases to ensure your events running normally)
  • The player: New flag ingoreGravity has been added into the player, which you enabled will make the player move without gravity (Keep it TRUE only when you are working on some status of the player that won't be affected by gravity, so please D NOT enable it usually!)


  • Position of the frozen piranhas were modified a bit
  • Enhanced the algorithm of instance's activation and deactivation when they enter the window, to avoid misactivation on instances having entered the screen


  • Graphic of the camera object has been updated
  • The logo has been changed
2022-0404-1 BUG Fixes
  • When the shell hit two or more enemies that overlapps together completely, its combo counted only once
  • The player in reversed gravity could still be interacted with spirings whose gravity were normal
  • Dead bodies generated by enemies that were attacked by bullets like fireballs, were initialized to wrong place
  • Player in reversed gravity couldn't move along with the platform


  • The animation of question blocks are optimized
2022-0407-2 BUG Fixes
  • The player in larger figure will cause the game slow down when standing on the moving platform and going through the gap of 32px height, when suddenly standing up.
  • When the player overlaps the platform preparing for falling or the one that needs to be activated by stamping, the platforms will immediately start moving whether the player is falling or jumping up


  • Player: New flag, overspeedSlowDown, has been added, with which turned on, the player who have oversped will deccelerate till his speed <= his max x speed, rather than SET the current speed to his top speed
2022-0413-3 BUG Fixes
  • The 1-UP sound used to detect the turning of the player wasn't removed
  • The frozen pirahas on ground could be frozen again by the iceball


  • Movement algorithm of chain blocks has been optimized, which can be activated without any limitation on its initial velocity and whose direction can be edited in the variables list


  • Graphics of the ice block have been updated


  • The name of fireball shot by fireball piranha has been changed to“火球-喷吐”(Fireball - Spat)
  • The qualifier, named "ITA-Blocks", has been renamed as "Interactees", with its icon updated
2022-0503-1 BUG Fixes
  • Things in layer HUD couldn't follow the screen vertically
  • Suction of whirwhind had powerful suction that made the player hardly get rid of itself
  • The chip-chips would all flash when the generating area created an instance of them
  • The electric coral did incorrect detections


  • Music: Now the folder to contain BGMs is named as "musics" rather than "music" (Caution: This may effect the BGM you have used in your project, so please change yours to "musics" if you have found the folder "music")


  • The player: now jumping strength has been a value that you can modify via Properties -> Alterable values
2022-0506-2 Performance I BUG Fixes
  • When the player overlapped both the CamArSwitch(smoothScroll is on) and CamFree, the camera would be stuck. Meanwhile, the bug - when the height or width of new switched camera area is lower than window's height or width, the smooth scrolling speed in orthogonal direction would not be 0 - has been fixed
  • Initial direction of chain blocks generator was up
  • When the menu command Pause had been sent and then turned off the pause mode, global string "Pause" would be "F" rather than "N"


  • Performance of codes of instances being pushed out and standing on moving blocks, has been greatly increased
  • To increase the performance, now fastloops $event_1 and $event_2 are called only if there is not any instance of Group Engine in the room. Otherwise, two new-added foreaches #event_1 and #event_2 will be called. (For foreach performs much more than fastloop)
  • Now the firebar can be extended or shrinked with marks without any graphical bugs


  • The width of platform has been extended from 95px to 96px
  • Graphic of Circular-motion-enemies-HighSpeed has been updated a bit
2022-0508-3 Innovated II BUG Fixes
  • Instances with var 307 or 308 not 0 could still be detected by moving blocks
  • Lack of sound of Game Over
  • Warping system got problems


  • Main menu, map, lobby and Game Over Screen has been added


  • Thwomp: the hot spot has been changed to adjust to the detection with moving blocks
2022-0518-4 Buggy II BUG Fixes
  • Default type of platform was "obstacle"
  • The entrance of warping were defaultly visible, with some of warping connections glitched
  • The player would be pushed out in a weird way when head-hitting hidden bonus blocks
  • When the player hit the bricks while the beetroot thrown by himself crashed the same one, all the bricks would play the effect of destroying
  • The moment the scroll of boss was activated, the bowser started his motion. And his dead body wouldn't direct the same as himself did
  • Bullets thrown by the player would not make bowser damaged
  • Problems with stamping detection of player onto the bowser
  • The player could still launch bullets in pipe warping
  • The player would keep invincible when completing the level with invincibility
  • When there was more than one coin hit by the head of the player, only one coin was counted to data
  • The beetroot thrown by the player close to the wall would be pushed out downward
  • Position of water area would get issues after the player died
  • Leaping chips generated would jump doubly and doubly
  • When the dry koopa done rebirth, the animation would be played twice
  • The player reborn at checkpoint limited in camera view area, would die because the player was out of the screen at the very beginning of the game
  • The player would be pushed out incorrectly when being in small status and obtained the mushroom in gap with 64px height and jumped


  • Upon new instructions of MF Chinese Community, the credit room has been added to list the authors who provided the graphics used in the engine


  • The height of detector of grown player has been decreased to 54px
  • Now the coins-to-life system will tip you 1UP when activated
  • Castle-bottom-snowy, fence-snowy, grass-snowy and woods-snowy has been added to Backscenery.
  • The player: new flag leftRightScreenStop has been added to enable that the player will be blocked and pushed out at the left or right edge of the window, which is True defaultly


  • Upon new instructions of MF Chinese Community, now all the suspicious graphics have been tweaked
2022-0625-1 BUG Fixes
  • Player could not get into next or previous section in Lobby
  • The key to jump to Lobby for global events has been added
  • Animational issue when player was entering pipe upward
  • HUD of Bowser's HP could not follow the screen well and it doesn't move back upward and leave the top of screen, with him having killed
  • *Some of physic instances will direct incorrectly (Such as hammer bros). This is fixed uncertainly, which means it could happen in this version of engine, so be careful of it!


  • New qualifier Timer has been applied to the engine and now time counter belongs to it
  • Time counter: Now with preLevelCompleted "on", the time counter will stop counting down rest time
  • Debug mode is now updated to Developer Tools and it has been moved to global events


  • Now if goal gate detects player with no pre-detector(small detector), its direction will be determined by its relative position between player and itself