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Geography Engine

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It's time to come up with an engine making the users satisfied and feel flexible with it -- The Author

Geography Engine (Remade)
Developer: Electronic Boy
Programs used: Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5+
Is public? Yes
Release date: Nov. 14th, 2020 (Old)
May 14th, 2021 (Remade)
Last version: b0.10.1
Download link: Click here to download

New Generation: Geography Engine Ultimate


Geography Engine is the second half-originally developed MF engine developed by Electronic Boy, released on Nov. 14th, 2020, which is also the first engine that he developed from zero.

Compared with two other engine he has developed - Cauldron Engine and Star Engine, Geography Engine contains fleshed-out values-strings-foreach system, which makes developers who have mastered the usage of the values, strings and foreaches create DIY elements more conveniently and flexibly.

In March, 2021, due to plenty of glitches and mistakes happening on the Engine, it made the author have to remake it again, which was eventually released on May 14th, 2021 (Public Beta Edition, and there is a serious bug with CTF2.5+ confirmed by Clickteam)

In November 13th, 2021, the day of the 1st anniversary of Geography Engine getting released, the author released its version of b0.10.0, with quite a number of changes

NOTE: Due to trillions of changes have been resorted to the trunk events of the engine, the engine doesn't belong to any engine system, and it should be a novel category of level editor engines.

Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Traditional coding mode with behaviors and unique module linking function.
  • More flexible and accurate objects, and more comfortable player handling.
  • More direct object placing, such as the placement of bonus blocks and pipe warps.
  • Multiple players in single-player game is supported (this can be achieved via specific methods in the version b0.9, which needs every developer to do research on it)
  • Custom camera views are supported(usage is the same as what UEL does)
  • Custom parameters for player, increasing the gameplay(New from b0.8)


  • Due to quite a number of functions and handling of interfaces, it takes quite energy for those who want to develop more more creatively to take in relative codes.
  • High density of codes and high connection among functions make users use a bit inconveniently.
  • Some key factors will cause crashes easily (Please see "Introduction" to get more details, now it's temporarily fixed and it's not clarified how stable it will be)

Attachment by the Author

Written on Nov. 14th, 2020

The original intention to develop the engine is that I saw there are quite a lot of problems with users using RE, including Stucking Wall and poor position fixing. To fix them, and inspired by No-detector detect by Dasasdhba and dealing with Star Engine before, I, then, opened my laptop in the evening on Oct. 14th, 2020, and my Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5+, starting my project... From primary "Application 1" to "Geography Engine", it had been almost 4 weeks due Nov. 15th, 2020, and worked on it at least 4 hours a day. So I went to bed till almost 0 o'clock these days.

However, the development was quite curvy. Because it's my first time to start from zero, I used my catty-hands to code them, and with that crazy idea began it. Yet what I think firstly remained thought, with reality more out of expection: Numbers of bugs came out continuously, lots of codes should be back to the furnace, and high reading of codes made it uncomfortable... But still, I thought if gave up, the effort were to be in the running sea. To that, I specially thank Dasasdhba that in my forehalf of development, when I asked him for help, he basically accept them and helped me with bugs and codes...With he taking his avaliable time to help me in such high pressure of study, I thought it irritating but appreciating - What was irritating was that I hurt his tree of study, but what was appreciating was that I obtained my skill upgraded with his help and my looping trying.

Finally she got her flamboyant dress, having came out on Nov. 14th, 2020

Hope this heart-fulfilled engine, developed almost from zero, could help more Mario Forever fangame makers reach their own dream of MF.

Written on Sept. 21st, 2021

It's Mid-autumn Festival. May everyone have a full, united and fortune day and enjoy the festival together

Although the engine was remade in March this year for some reasons, even though it has been remade, it still lacks of users heavily

I, personally and sincerely, have spent quantities of time on this engine, but the result does hurt me more or less

Indeed, even though the Geography Engine has been remade, its core changes still exist, especially the reverse gravity system. In some version, where the interfaces of or related to reverse gravity, that system was removed. Then after my awareness on some engines, I still kept my first-determination, and re-added it into b0.7 with more stability and have been coordinating it with other systems, making it another engine with multi-gravity after Ultra Engine Legacy.(Someone will ask me: why not try 360° gravity? I just wanna answer: Why not UEL in CTF, lol)

However, I firmly believe that in the future, no matter which game-making platform like Game Maker or Unity, those who still hope to make games with CTF can proudly say: GER comforted me and makes my game-making convenient.

Written on Jan. 29th, 2022

Time for the Lunar New Year, and may everyone lucky in the year symbolizing tiger(虎年吉祥), may you healthy(身体健康), may your work going well(万事如意), and may your family happy and fortune(阖家幸福)

Although the Pandemic has brought us globe of pains, it also brought us more challenges. Due to COVID-19 going about, much more people have to be online for work and life. I'm not the exception and have been keeping spending 12 hours or so on my computers and my phone per day, for which I have received lots of quarreling education from my parents.

Meanwhile, I haven't stopped my step on MF fangames and engines, especially...

Especially, I plan to publish an edition of GER that has been arranged and modified -- Geography Engine Ultimate

Compared with GER, GEU has values of qualifiers, whose importance may affect their value sections. The more important the qualifier is, the former the values will be, and the latter the other values will be on the contrary. Also, to get the arrangement and reputable naming better, I've got to defined a series of naming rules adjusting to GEU: The values beginning with capital letters are global, ones beginning with underlines( _ ) are partial or unusable values, the flags(booleans) should be named with Camel-Case, the names of fastloops should begin with "$" and the ones of foreaches start with "#", etc. Via this, as long as the users get used to these rules, they will soon understand what functions what, which are usable while which unusable, and which are global while which are partial, and so on.

I hope this year it would be great to see more people get conveniences and applications from GEU, and make those who just adjust to Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ enjoy the feeling of coding close to ones as if you were a real coder


View of Editions
Version Date Contains
0.8.2 Dec. 25, 2020 Bug Fixes:
  • Stuck when Mario hits the ceiling
  • Wrong moving direction for Hammer Bro
  • Disactivity when fireball is out of the frame window
  • Every dead bodies doesn't fall if there is only one instance of body having got out of the window
  • Disdetect when Player jumps from ground after previous jump
  • Jumping instances will be stuck under the ceiling
  • No sound for Red and Green Luis, and Red one will not turns back
  • Items in invisible bonus blocks for once only don't disappear after the first death
  • Play sounds when Red and Green Lui are out of the window


  • Concentrated the codes for bonuses
  • Added four different styles of spikes(Harmful Blocks), with electric coral belonging to it now.
  • Added commitments for codes for category of bonus
  • According to the author's research, now Mario's decceleration of turning back is 4, no longer 3.(In World 10 Engine, while Mario is turning back, it also activates the code for deccelerating the speed without press arrow keys, and due to 3 units when turning back and 1 unit without pressing arrow keys, it's 4 in total)
0.9 Feb. 1, 2021 Bug Fixes:
  • Mario's detectors get dislocation if he toouches the edge of window in force scroll levels
  • Bowser's abnormal movement
  • The mark of ceiling spike isn't invisible, whilst the ceiling spike doesn't follow the screen
  • The player cannot stand on the block for instances and player
  • Enemies cannot be hit
  • When fireball piranhas shoot in the same time, the movement of fireballs get glitched
  • Wrong window location when the screen shakes
  • Glitched control of player when it starts walking
  • Reverse thowmp doesn't thowmp when there is any obstacle below and near its head(While it make the origin of thowmp move upward by 1 pixel)
  • Wrong size of ice that spawned by bros hit by iceballs


  • Corrected the range of colliding the edge of window for Mario again
  • Added English description for every item folder, in order to make foreigners find and understand easier
  • Widened player's detectors for wall, with their hotspots corrected
  • Added "Element" qualifier to handle the events between ice and fire, and also recode the event of breaking the ice
  • Recode enemies' getting hurt and give in that the hammers thrown by player cannot make combo bonuses
  • Adjusted piranhas' detect of streching out
0.9.1 Wasted Bug Fixes:
  • The bullets from fireball bro/iceball bro will get position moved glitchedly when overlaping the ice block entirely and stop and explode after that weird move
  • Mario doesn't deccelerate if Fire key not pressed
  • The center of scroll locates only at (320, 240)


  • Some useless plugin-objects are removed, whilst have the event of prestart edited
  • The name of value of Mario, "重力矢量倍数(Times of Gravity in Vector)", changed to "重力方向倍数(Times of Direction of Gravity)"
  • Other Parent Object has been removed; meanwhile invisible block in water state is added
b0.1 May. 14, 2021 Remade version, from which the prefixes are "b"(Beta) or "r"(Release)

From this version on, the language shown in the engine is English (Sorry for thoroughly capital letters)

b0.2 Jun. 2, 2021 Tech Recoding
  • Low edition position offset applications in part of objects to reduce the chances of crash during running & building
  • Detection of stomping onto the stompable enemies -- to increase the accuracy of detection

Bug Fixes

  • Some stompable enemies didn't disappear after they got stomped.
b0.3 Jun. 16, 2021 Tech Recoding
  • Motion of Platform has been recoded in specification.

Added Objects

  • Platform Control - Warping and Platform Control - Destroying

Bug Fixes

  • Sounds in completing the level and bullets being launched would be activated twice.
  • When player is standing on a platform with gradual motion at the edge, he would tremble.
  • Part of bonus item would cause crashes with software. (Due to the current version of CTF, this bug could sustain for a while)
  • Some bullets from player, like fireballs and iceballs, are motionless.
b0.4 Jun. 25, 2021 Tech Recoding
  • The detection conditions of enemies has been mostly rewritten.

Technical BUG Fixed

  • The crash due to lots of objects with behaviours that contains qualifiers has been solved by take place of those qualifiers with either Foreach Loops or Objects.
b0.4.1 Jul. 15, 2021 Tech Updates
  • New storing form of Check Points
  • New method to complicate projects made with Rainbow Engine and Feather Engine
b0.4.2 Jul. 18, 2021 Bug Fixes
  • Marks "PLATFORM - MOTION REVERSE X" and "PLATFORM - MOTION REVERSE Y" don't work on the Platforms - Classic and Platforms - Circular
  • Freezing when the character is close to the edge of the screen which is decided by Force Scroller's travelling direction very much.
  • The koopas cannot be detected as "stomped success" though they are really stomped correctly in our visual views sometimes (Fixed by the method below)
  • Player cannot pass through the gaps whose width are 32pix at a low speed(Having been fixed, there remains another illogical trick - Jumping from the top of the gap)

Tech Changes

  • Group Enemies: Var 700 is added, used to make an offset on the stomping detection for each enemy(unit: pixel), meaning that the enemy's stomping detection is from the bottom(positive value) or the top(negative value) from its center of Y position.
b0.4.3 Jul. 19, 2021 Bug-fix Patch
  • Now the gap-passing gameplay can be completed, with the bug fixed in another way.
b0.5 Jul. 25, 2021 Core Change
  • The event that makes detectors offset when character gets warp-out has been removed

Tech Changes

  • Group. Physics: New value 409 has been added to determine constant directions of an object, which can be edited without any loops. And new value 410 has been added to execute actions that automatically change the directions of objects according to positions between the character and them, and with the value having been changed, execute the loop "INIT DIR" to make it work. New loop "INTERACT" has been added to run actions of overlapping between the character and those objects


  • Properties of many of bullets and effects has been changed to: Automatically - Inactive if too far from window, or Ticked - Destroy object if too far from frame, which aims to maximize the lower RAM consumption.

Bug Fixed(# Added means the bug has existed since a previous version, while $ added means the bug has existed since the engine got released)

  • #The max x-velocity of fireballs from piranhas was high and now has been reduced
  • $The coins aren't able to be gained by head hitting
  • Chain blocks crashes when turning narrowly
  • #Default option of Debug Mode is ON
  • Only the centers of Rotos exist
  • #No gravity for beets by players
  • #Hit beet items get sudden offset into question boxes
b0.5.1 Aug. 1, 2021 Tech Changes
  • New mark -- Scroll Range - All frame -- now has been added(The all-frame scroll will be turned off if marks -- Scroll - Refresh -- works)
  • The main event SCROLL now has been completely recoded, and now the smooth scroll is driven by Scroll Controller and it has been changed, too.

Bug Fixes

  • The blue and yellow Chip Chips could be killed with some bullets like fireballs
  • The environments of stomping Chip Chips were upside down
  • Some enemies directing with constant directions caused problems with their directions
  • When a physic object collides with a wall and there was a fireball explodes at the position where it collided with the wall, the second one hitting an ice block might cause the game frozen at chances probabilistically (Incompletely fixed)
  • The cloned marks used to change the properties of circular platforms couldn't work well
b0.5.2 Aug. 2, 2021 Tech Changes
  • Now all the settings of the physic objects, which makes those objects follow the ground used in tank levels, have been completely removed

Bug Fixes

  • Volcano Balls shot by Bowser didn't belong to Group. Physics
  • Score effects were displaced problematically if tank-level ground exists
  • Some specific entrances having been initialized would be placed incorrectly if they were overlapping an directional entrance
  • The effects of check points would be directed in a wrong orientation at some position that was suitable to their original direction
  • There was Chinese in behaviors of pipe blocks
  • Character would get stuck out of the ceiling blocks along X-alias at a low probability
  • Timer counted inaccurately and there would not be any sound of tips of time-out if it's lower than 100hs(half seconds)
b0.6 Aug. 11, 2021 Tech Updates
  • "Custom collision boxes"has been added: The values of objects (with qualifier "Shape") are from Var 1000 to Var 1099. The animation of collision boxes can be custom. Please refer to the objects with the qualifier and behavior COLLISION BOX to get more detailed usage.

Bug Fixes

  • The bros walked backward
  • The beetles couldn't be detected as collided and their names were BUZZLE
  • The white area at the bottom-left side of the graphic of blue koopas weren't erased
  • The fireballs didn't explode while falling down and collided ice blocks

Inner Graphic Pack

  • New graphic of fireball piranha has been added (whose stem has been updated a bit)
b0.6.1 Aug. 18, 2021 Tech Changes
  • Now the value No. 1004 of Group. Shape stores the angle before they become collision boxes, which is to prevent from detecting mistakes when rotating.

Tech Optimizations

  • Now most of objects belonging to Group. Physics, whose foreach loops were ACTIVE, are optionally changed to INIT in order to block some unnecessary lags while loading data initially.
  • Now the thowmps can smash down the bricks and ice blocks continuously.

Bug Fixes

  • When the fireballs from piranhas were out of the window, they didn't move.
  • When the launchers were launching bullet-bills, the explode effects they created were at wrong place and the bullets being launched were oriented wrongly.

Modpack 0.3

  • Jumping piranhas, fire chomps, homing bullet bill, spikes, falling blocks and red fireball piranhas (Auto-homing in parabola) have been added
b0.6.2 Aug. 19, 2021 Bug Fixes
  • The mushrooms walked reversely when having appeared
  • When it's Y auto-switching scroll smoothly, it'd directly locate result position
  • Player having and having been completing the level would get hurt by touching enemies
  • Player stomping many enemies at the same time would get hurt
b0.6.3 Sept. 14, 2021 Tech Changes
  • Added collision boxes for Bowser (Caution: Do notice the controlling codes about animation)
  • To fix the bug that the lavaball will be shot with glitches when two or more shooters shoot them at the same time, the shooter, which can shoot both upward and downward, has been separated into upward one and downward one, among which the latter has been added into the modpack

Bug Fixes

  • The position of players who is exiting the pipe will be wrongly calculated
  • The player will be placed in a deadly position when it stands on a platform that has been transported once

Modpack 0.4

  • Added hammer bro II, who can throw hammers twice successively
b0.7 Sept. 19, 2021 Core Changes
  • Now reverse gravity system has been re-added into the engine
  • Quantities of structures that are relative to the player have been re-coded, including but not limited: Added foreach loops for each detectors. Now all detectors of Mario can use foreach "OVERLAP" to collide obstacles.

Tech Changes

  • To ensure the security of items hit out by players, now the mushroom can be obtained only when they begin moving.
  • Graphics of fireball piranhas have been changed
  • The frame "Graphic" is now merged into "Database"
  • Added door that had been being forgotten for a long time

Tech Optimization

  • Group Bonus: Now animations of each objects belonging to the group can be called with some foreach loops
  • Warp via Pipe: Now supports reverse gravity system, and var 205 is used to get height of player before warping

Bug Fixes

  • Player might be stuck to death when standing on the chain-blocks
b0.7.1 Sept. 25, 2021 Tech Changes
  • New object "FLOORING OBSTACLE" has been added

Tech Optimization

  • A mini change of main event SCROLL where a new foreach loop POS-FIX has been added into the event to force to lock the camera center to player's position at some specific situations.
  • Custom qualifiers has been added

Bug Fixes

  • There were only three effect objects of brick when it got hit.
  • Players couldn't pass through the gap of 32pix width(Also the animation of player detector has been changed, and please do not edit its animation speed and keep it 0)
b0.7.2 Sept. 29, 2021 Tech Changes
  • New qualifier "Traps" has been added, containing trap-like objects(like spikes and lava) and use the value 702 to separate each damage type like one in the group "Enemies"

Bug Fixes

  • FORCED SCROLL object didn't home the joints automatically.
  • Player on the platform was able to leave away from the edge of screen.
  • Sometimes the bricks didn't restore their states (Incompletely fixed)

Modpack 0.4.1

  • The qualifier of BLOCK ENEMIES has been updated to Bad(Traps) with their behaviors edited
  • Added falling ice spike
b0.7.3 Oct. 11, 2021 Tech Changes
  • The events in each trigger are now moved into Event Area object, which do not belong to Group. Area at any more

Tech Optimization

  • The section of character hitting the bonus blocks has been preciser

Bug Fixes

  • Poison mushroom could kill the character even if he/she's completed the level
  • Issue of drawing depth of ceiling spikes(which was not in front of every objects in the same layer)
  • When player jumped near the edge of window and hit a bonus block, he/she would get stuck out of the block horizontally
b0.8 Oct. 19, 2021 Tech Optimization
  • The settings and algorithm of some objects has been optimized
  • A new flag "MEMORY_SAVING MODE", which can only be edited in the frame editor mode, has been added into the main event object. It can make physical instances out of the window deactivated
  • New three strings -- PLAYER CAN JUMP HIGHER, PLAYER JUMPS PRECISELY and PRESS DOWN TO FALL QUICKLY -- has been added into level data storage object, into which the previous flag GO THROUGH GAP SAFELY in PLAYER DETECTOR has been transformed. "y" means enabled while "n" disabled
  • New string -- PLAYER CUSTOM C_BOX -- used to decide whether users can make their custom c-boxes to the player's character, has been added, with the same meaning of its value as previous one

Bug Fixes

  • The name of group COLLIDABLE ENEMIES has been changed to COLLIDABLE INSTANCES
  • Three rows of blocks have been added into the top of the graphic of ceiling spikes in order to make up the leak of what it used to be
  • The generator of yellow koopa troopas has been recoded to make it generate them immidiately
b0.8.1 Oct. 24, 2021 Tech Changes
  • Due to some specific reasons, MEMORY SAVING MODE has been removed

Tech Optimization

  • New object: INIT FROM EXTENDED PACKS, used to delete relative objects when the frame starts
  • All the bodies and effect are now unable to be created at the beginning of the frame runtime (which has been also updated in external pack)

Bug Fixes

  • Fireballs shot by piranhas would disappear when flying upward and being out of the window, so have been done on some relative objects.
  • When a bullet launcher had been launched and another one started do it, all those (within windows) would launch bullets together (fixed in external packs as well)
  • Spelling mistakes with Thowmp and now corrected to Thwomp
  • The shells would keep going forward even if they had hit the bricks
  • Objects with custom C-BOXes would play animations synchronously
  • Unless the piranhas out of the window completed shooting fireballs, they had to finish it and entered waiting state

External Pack 0.4.2

  • Now the modpack has been renamed as EXTERNAL PACK, and GRAPHIC PACK has been added
  • MOD PACK: Thwimp has been added
b0.8.2 Oct. 28, 2021 Basic Changes
  • Now when the game has been paused, the screen will be dim-lighted rather than monochrome

Tech Changes

  • MAIN EVENT OBJECT:New flags, NEXT STAGE OF MAP WHEN FINISHED and MAP END WHEN THE LEVEL CLEAR, has been added. The former aims to decide the id of next level in the map while the latter one is to reset all the data related to the map system in the level

Tech Optimization

  • DATA STORAGE OF THE FRAME:The settings of jumping higher via holding on upward key has been taken the place by being turning back that is open by default

Lingual Changes

  • The name "SCROLL" is now replaced by "CAMERA"

External Pack

  • New pack "CONSUMMATION PACK" has been added with map mould
b0.9 Oct. 31, 2021 Basic Changes
  • Now all the animations of player are handled partially by the new-added object PLAYER - ANIM XXX
  • Now all the events related to group player are now replaced by the object PLAYER DETECTOR, but the group remains
  • Now the motions of the player can be banned, in order to support custom characters by developers

Tech Changes

  • The objects, warp entrance and warp exit, are sized 32x32
  • Some of the warping objects are now recoded, with their placement changed
  • Now the springs can only work when player in normal gravity stamps on it

Tech Optimization

  • The algorithm of increasing height of shaking jumping are now edited; the result is now decided by player's horizontal speed that is a power function, whose base is a fraction, with increased jumping height
  • The algorithm of gap-passing is now optimized, and player can only pass the gap when it's speed is greater than 35
  • To prevent from bugs, a new anchor object has been added to be aimed by forced camera in boss battle

Lingual Changes

  • PLAYER DETECTOR is now renamed as PLAYER(also updated in MOD PACK)

Bug Fixes

  • The player would get death if it was not over y=480, even though you had used some objects to locate the view
  • Issue of animation that player entered a pipe
  • Repeated sounds when player was getting out of the pipe
  • The body of player would not get reversed in reversed gravity, in which player in large state would be stuck on the ground
  • The scrolling camera could not move in boss battles

External Pack 0.5.0

  • CONSUMMATION PACK: Some bugs has been fixed
  • MOD PACK: Chain chomp and flame-shooting statues are added
  • GRAPHICS PACK: Graphics of castle inner has been added
b0.9.1 Nov. 6, 2021 Basic Changes
  • Now all the core codes in INIT of PHYSIC OBJECTS are completely moved into the event group INITIALIZATION
  • EVENT AREA has been a little bit changed and now no EVENT AREA OBJECT exists
  • Now the animation center handles the player's death, and the body of player is now controlling respawn and game over

Lingual Changes

  • Now the major language is Chinese in order to be suitable to Chinese developers, with a little English (such as the value names, fastloops, foreaches and other graphical-like objects). The same does in external pack
  • Many of words are expressed in another way

Bug Fixes

  • Raising lava could not raise (New object: Event area - Raising lava, has been added to get the bug fixed)
  • Once the player hit down the pole of goal, the pole would not be hit down upward
b0.10.0 Nov. 13, 2021 Basic Changes
  • The structure of main event has been totally restructured, where every events that were separated into a series of behaviors and were arranged in order of their executed sequence exist now. (The relative objects in external pack are changed, too)
  • Now the value 306 of group bonus are only used to mark if bricks should be broken

Tech Changes

  • Currently, the stamped dry koopas can reborn out of the window, but they will not play any sound of reborn and won't move immediately

Lingual Changes & Graphical one

  • The value names are sharply named in standardization, and some incorrect value names have been redressed
  • Now every enemy, such as Roto-disks and firebars, are now named as "Orbit" rather than "Roto"
  • SFX and VFX are separately renamed as SD and VC(SD for SounD and VC for VoiCe)
  • The main logo has been changed (Logos are also changed in the lib engines in external pack)

Bug Fixes (including some of the bugs that were found during developing)

  • No any swimming chips could move but the yellow one
  • The entrances and exits were displayed
  • When the character were exiting from a pipe, it would die from being stuck in the tube
  • If player shot a bullet out of the window, the bullet wouldn't be activated
  • Music of starman would not stop even though the player died with the state
  • When an enemy collided the player, the latter one would get hurt by incorrect detection
  • The ground for tank level couldn't follow the forced camera
  • The animations of instances of group Custom Collision Boxes would generate glitches
  • When a piranha was frozen and its ice is just enough to be inserted into a gap of 64 pix height, the ice would be stuck out downward
  • Player was able to be controlled during its warping time
  • The bro, who moves horizontally and jumped downward, would be stuck along X-axis
b0.10.1 Nov. 19, 2021 Tech Optimization
  • Some objects that will execute foreach continuously has been optimized (also done in external pack)
  • Now only the player stands on a platform completely can the platform fall

Bug Fixes

  • Physical instances would still fall even if they were out of the window
  • Mushroom couldn't walk toward the player after initialization
  • The player shot bullets from its nose
  • Red luis and green ones couldn't be initialized
  • Shadow of the player in the state of red lui was created even though the player was crouching
  • When the player stamped onto a stampable enemy and another one in the same time, both two would be detected as stamped
  • Silver hammer bro shot hammers with wrong sound and its silver hammer would hit over 2 bricks

External Pack 0.5.1

  • Consummation Pack - Mode of player moving freely in the map has been removed, but you can still make extra levels. Meanwhile, you can now play what you have completed (If you want to play extra levels that you have ever played, please code the events by yourself)
  • Mod Pack - New piranha shooting lavaballs has been added
  • Graphic Pack - New graphic series "Volcano" and particle effect of the volcano theme has been added
b0.11 Dec. 23, 2021 Core
  • Now the physical instances system has been completely recoded. And the naming of values, strings and comments in the main event has been spelled in a standardized way
  • Block instance Interactive The group Ice-like has been renamed as "Block - Instance Interactive"
  • Due to the instability of hardness of shells, the system of shell hardness is now removed
  • Shells are now in group Enemies, with the group Shell Health abandoned, and var 711 has been turned into a fake boolean
  • Debug Mode: New info system for objects of groups, Physic Instances, Player, Bonus and Platform, has been added to access information of them
  • Plenty of foreaches has been replaced with values and strings in order to reduce lag. Details are: Now all the enemies that are initialized with directions don't resort to foreach "ACTIVATED" but flags and values to prevent the game from flash-halt caused by huge amount of them; thus the fluency gets increased partially
  • Default options of application are: Compress Level: Normal; Compress Sounds: No; Optimize Sounds: Yes; Build Cache: Yes; Use High Performance GPU and Compress runtime: No
  • Now the size of player should not be over 32x32(small) and 32x64(large) to ensure that the pipe warping system runs successfully


  • The ceiling spikes can follow whether along X or along Y, or follow along both X and Y
  • Currently the water following the screen can also follow as the ceiling spikes do, and with infinite/limited depth and the depth, in the condition of limited depth enabled, can be modified with value added_depth.

Bug Fixes(Ones when Getting Developed Exists Probably)

  • Player didn't die in lava
  • The firebar didn't hurt the player
  • Flying chips couldn't fall
  • Fireballs thrown by the player and fireball bros didn't explode when hitting the wall
  • Again, the player in small status wasn't able to smash down the bricks with head
  • Incorrect size of ice frozen from spikies
  • Enemies that could be killed with shells didn't die when encountering the shells
b0.11.1 Jan. 8, 2022 Structural Changes
  • Now Main Menu(Options included) and Map have been moved into core engine, while only Introduction left in consummation pack


  • The map system has been recoded and currently the stages on the map paper should be placed via cloning


  • The gameplay of player passing 32px-width gap has been optimized. Original settings was that only the player sped up to 35 could he pass it; now the option is that as long as you hold on running key with speed greater than 9, he may pass it.


  • The name of value jumping_frequency of Bowser expressed wrong message, and now it has been renamed as"jumping_delay"

Bug Fixes (Ones when Getting Developed Exists Probably)

  • [ 101 coins = 1up ]has been repaired, and for the amount greater than 100, the amount won't decreased to 0 but by 100 till it is lower than 100
  • The Bowser would be stuck at the edge of movement and there were some frames lacked in his animation of bursting flames
  • In small status, if a block of bricks distanced 32px from player's feet, the animation of the brick would stop probably and would not be able to be hit any more
  • If there was a block of bricks on the closest top of player's head, the player, in the status of large and was squatting, the player would be stuck downward from the ground when you stop holding downward key. And now the settings in the same situation, player will smash down the bricks and the player will not get hurt
b0.11.2 Jan. 12, 2022 Core
  • Score effects (1up included) now belongs to Physical Instances, with physical movement provided by the engine
  • Now player's detection of standing on the ground is more strict, which means even if the player's feet distance 1pix from the ground, the flag isInAir is true


  • Some GFX has been improved


  • The name of score effects (1up included) has been renamed as "SCORE"

Bug Fixes (Ones when Getting Developed Exists Probably)

  • The player would be stuck out of the ceiling when hitting the block with head or the body touching platforms
  • When the player was standing on a piece of chain blocks that moves upward, his head hitting the block, he will be pushed out of the block upward.